Human Resources

Employing the most talented employees by supporting the development-oriented working system through continuous training, creating a business environment based on the principles of impartiality, independence and confidentiality is our main goal as Ege Teknik Quality Management. It is our greatest dream to grow up with our employees by creating a highly motivated organization that employs qualified and highly potential individuals, values the employee, is open to change, sensitive to the environment, worker health and work safety.

Our values and all processes from recruitment to talent management, training and development programs are managed by taking into consideration the competencies required by the business, employee potential and current performance without any discrimination and without any privilege. Our goal in the recruitment process is to provide a peaceful professional environment and physical working conditions for our employees to exhibit their skills and skills.

Ads for the required positions it is published on our website and in our social media addresses. You can apply within the scope of published job postings.

Your application document containing your resume information for internship applications you can forward it to the address.